Wood Species
Cherry is a rich multi-colored hardwood, often used in fine furniture. In its raw state, cherry has pinkish-brown hues with occasional shades of white, green, pink or grey. It may also contain small knots, pin holes and cherry fissures. A cherry fissure is a small crack that occurs naturally in the wood; it will not get bigger over time. Natural or light stains accent the color variations and characteristics in cherry, while dark stains soften its complexity. All cherry wood naturally darkens or “mellows” with age
Maple is a strong wood that is primarily off-white in its raw state. However, maple sometimes contains light hues of yellow-brown and pink as well as light tan or reddish-tinged streaks that darken with stain. Typically, straight-grained, maple can be wavy or even curly. Hard maple offers more uniformity than other wood types, making it ideal for living spaces that feature a clean, streamlined appearance.
Oak is a strong, open-grained wood that ranges in color from white to yellow to reddish brown. Oak is sometimes streaked with green, yellow or black mineral deposits.
Birch, less expensive than maple and other popular hardwoods, birch lends itself readily to a variety of designer looks. Birch have a uniform appearance and lack of distinctive graining that make them unusually receptive to staining. Birch can easily be finished to impersonate costly mahogany, walnut and maple. The surface is closed and non-porous, and can be painted to suit or used as a canvas for faux marbling or other decorative treatments. Both yellow and sweet birch are known for their durability. Yellow birch in particular has a tensile strength that holds nails well, making it especially useful for constructing cabinets